Natural Progress

Tai Chi Chuan - Qigong - Massage - Pressure Point Therapies

Natural Progress specializes in pain relief massage modalities including the following:

Myofascial release and trigger point therapy for the release of painful tissue contractions in the fascia and muscles. Trigger points may be active or latent and cause long-standing pain patterns that activate irregularly or chronically. They can cause muscles to go weak, set off dysfunctional compensations in movement and structure, and mimic other health conditions. Diane is a Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist (CMTPT) by the National Organization of Trigger Point Therapies, NAMTPT.

Asian bodywork therapies, such as Shiatsu and Medical Qigong tablework, follow the principles of traditional Asian medicine that seek to resolve pain that stems from excessive or deficient energy in the body through the regulation of energetic patterns.
These "hands-off, clothes-on" modalities may also include toning healing sounds and movement therapy homework. Diane is certified in Asian Bodywork Therapy by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)

​---------------------Ohashiatsu Chicago class of 2002--------------------------------- -------------------Diane with Sensei Ohashi, 2002----------------------